MAGnetic Data Acquisition System/
Circum-pan Pacific Magnetmeter Network Data
Our data archives consist of the following four databases.
- MAGDAS-II (MAGnetic Data Acquisition System II)
- MAGDAS (MAGnetic Data Acquisition System)
- (About the MAGDAS and MAGDAS-II)
- 1 sec. and 1 min. sampling data from August, 2005.
- This network is the integrated latter three networks.
- The principal investigator (PI) is Dr. A. Yoshikawa.
- (Supporting Information)
- This MAGDAS observation was made by the financial supports of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) as Grant-in-Aid for Overseas Scientific Survey (15253005, 18253005). This database was made by the financial supports of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) as Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results(188068, 198055, 208043), and National Institute of Information and Communications Technology(NiCT) as the funded research.
- CPMN (The Circum-pan Pacific Magnetometer Network)
- (About the Circum-pan Pacific Magnetometer Network)
- 1 sec., 3 sec. and 1 min. sampling data from January, 1996.
- This network is the integrated latter two networks.
- The principal investigator (PI) is Dr. A. Yoshikawa.
- (Supporting Information)
- This database was made by the financial supports of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) as Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results (128068,138059,148071,158068,168066, 188068, 198055, 208043).
- The 210 MM Magnetic Observation Network
- (About the 210 MM Magnetic Observation Network)
- 1 sec. and 1 min. sampling data from May, 1990 to December, 1995.
- The PI is Dr. A. Yoshikawa.
- The Equatorial Magnetometer Network
- (About the Equatorial Magnetometer Network)
- 3 sec. sampling data from December, 1985 to December, 1996.
- The PI is Prof. T-.I. Kitamura who retired in 1995.
*) These databases were funded in part by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
as Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results (128068,138059,148071,158068,168066,188068,198055, 208043).
*important* Rules for data usage
Scientists who want to engage in collaboration with ICSWSEshould contact the project leader of MAGDAS/CPMN
observations, Dr. A. Yoshikawa, Kyushu Univ., who will
organize such collaborations.
There is a possibility that the PI of MAGDAS will arrange offers
so that there is less overlapping of themes between MAGDAS research groups
Before you use MAGDAS/CPMN data for your papers,
you must agree to the following points;
- Before you submit your paper, you must contact the PI
(Dr. A. Yoshikawa: and
discuss authorship. - When you submit your paper after doing the above item 1, you must mention
the source of the data in the acknowledgment section of your paper.
- In general, you must use the following references:
- Yumoto, K., and the 210MM Magnetic Observation Group, The STEP
210 magnetic meridian network project, J. Geomag. Geoelectr.,
48, 1297-1310., 1996. [PDF]
- Yumoto, K. and the CPMN Group, Characteristics of Pi 2 magnetic
pulsations observed at the CPMN stations: A review of the STEP
results, Earth Planets Space, 53, 981-992, 2001. [PDF]
- Yumoto K. and the MAGDAS Group, MAGDAS project and its application
for space weather, Solar Influence on the Heliosphere and Earth's
Environment: Recent Progress and Prospects, Edited by N. Gopalswamy
and A. Bhattacharyya, ISBN-81-87099-40-2, pp. 309-405, 2006. [PDF]
- Yumoto K. and the MAGDAS Group, Space weather activities at SERC for IHY: MAGDAS,
Bull. Astr. Soc. India, 35, pp. 511-522, 2007. [PDF]
- Yumoto, K., and the 210MM Magnetic Observation Group, The STEP
- In all circumstances, if anything is published you must send
a hardcopy to the following address:
Dr. Akimasa Yoshikawa
International Center for Space Weather Science and Education,
Kyushu University 53
6-10-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku Fukuoka 812-8581, JAPAN
TEL/FAX:+81-92-642-4403, e-mail: