Table 1. Station Names, Geographic and Geomagnetic Coordinates, and L Values of Proposed Observation Sites.

StationName Abbrev GLat(deg) GLon(deg) MLat(deg) MLon(deg) L+ Instit OnsetDate
Tixie TIK 71.59 128.78 65.67 196.88 5.89 IKFIA,IFZ 92/8-
Zhigansk ZGN 66.75 123.26 61.01 193.82 4.25 IKFIA 95/ -
Yakutsk YAK 62.02 129.72 56.08 200.51 3.21 IKFIA
Irkutsk IRT 52.17 104.45 47.13 177.01 2.16 ISTP
Popov Island PPI 42.98 131.73 36.62 203.63 1.55 POI 95/ -
Beijing BJI 40.06 116.18 34.37 188.40 1.47 IGCAS
Lunping LNP 25.00 121.17 13.80 189.50 1.06 NCU, LNP 94/1-
Muntinlupa MUT 14.37 121.02 3.58 191.57 1.00 CGSD 93/7-
Pontiana PTN -0.05 109.25 -11.37 180.49 1.04 LAPAN
Watukose WTK -7.56 112.63 -18.52 183.85 1.11 LAPAN
Learmonth LMT -22.22 114.10 -34.15 185.02 1.46 IPS, UNC 91/8-
Katanning KAT -33.68 117.62 -46.63 188.24 2.12 KRS, UNC 95/8-
StationName Abbrev GLat(deg) GLon(deg) MLat(deg) MLon(deg) L+ Instit OnsetDate
Kotel'nyy KTN 75.94 137.71 69.94 201.02 8.50 IKFIA 94/10-
Chokurdakh CHD 70.62 147.89 64.67 212.12 5.46 IKFIA,IFZ 92/8-
Zyryanka ZYK 65.75 150.78 59.62 216.72 3.91 IKFIA 94/4-
Magadan MGD 59.97 150.86 53.56 218.66 2.83 IKIR 92/8-
St. Paratunka PTK 52.94 158.25 46.34 225.91 2.10 IKIR 92/8-
Moshiri MSR 44.37 142.27 37.61 213.23 1.59 STEL 90/7-
Onagawa ONW 38.43 141.47 31.65 212.51 1.38 THU 91/6-
Kagoshima KAG 31.48 130.72 25.13 202.24 1.22 STEL 90/7-
Chichijima CBI 27.15 142.30 20.59 213.00 1.14 KMO 90/7-
Guam GUA 13.58 144.87 4.57 214.76 1.01 USGS 91/6-
Yap YAP 9.3 138.5 -0.3 209.0 1.00 UK 93/1-
Koror KOR 7.33 134.48 -2.64 205.21 1.00 UAF 94/8-
Biak BIK -1.08 136.05 -12.18 207.30 1.05 LAPAN 92/5-
Wewak WEW -3.33 143.74 -13.94 215.37 1.06 PWH, UPNG 91/6-
Darwin DAW -12.40 130.90 -23.13 202.68 1.18 TERC, UNC 91/8-
Weipa WEP -12.68 141.88 -22.99 214.34 1.18 WNSS, UNC 90/7-
Birdsville BSV -25.54 139.21 -36.58 212.96 1.55 POB 90/7-
Dalby DAL -27.18 151.20 -37.09 226.80 1.57 DAC, UNC 91/8-
Canberra CAN -35.30 149.00 -45.98 226.14 2.07 IPS 94/8-
Adelaide ADL -34.67 138.65 -46.46 213.66 2.11 DSTO 90/7-
StationName Abbrev GLat(deg) GLon(deg) MLat(deg) MLon(deg) L+ Instit OnsetDate
Kotzebue KOT 66.88 197.40 64.52 249.72 5.40 UAF 93/11-
Cape Shmidt CST 68.88 180.55 64.51 236.29 5.40 IKIR
Ewa Beach EWA 21.32 202.00 22.67 269.36 1.17 PTWC/USGS 91/1-
American Samoa ASA -14.28 170.70 -20.60 245.05 1.14
Macquarie Isl. MCQ -54.50 158.95 -64.50 247.84 5.40 AAD, UNC 92/11-

* Includes established stations at which additional instruments with
a high time resolution will be installed during the STEP period.
+ The IGRF-90 model was used to calculate corrected geomagnetic coordinates
and L values for 100-km altitude at each station on January 1, 1993.

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