II. Rept. of Inst. & Proc. of Symp. (37)

1. Tanaka, Y., Y. Kato, M. Nishino, K. Yumoto and K.J.W. Lynn (1991); Conjugate
measurements of LF/VLF whistler-mode waves in Australia, Proc._of_Pacific
Regional_STEP_Conference, held at Taipei on April 10-12, 1991, 64-67.

2. Yumoto, K., Y. Tanaka, Y. Yoshimura, B.J. Fraser and F.W. Menk (1991); Wave
characteristics of low-latitude Pc 3 magnetic pulsations observe along 210o magnetic
meridian, Proc._of_Pacific_Regional STEP_Conference, held at Taipei on April 10-12,
1991, 60-63.

3. Yumoto, K., Y. Tanaka, T. Oguti, and K. Shiokawa (1991); Globally coordinated magnetic
observations along 210o magnetic meridian during STEP period, STER_in_Japan, 15,

4. Hamano, Y., K. Fujii, H. Utada, Y. Tanaka., T. Yukutake and K. Yumoto (1992);
Electro-magnetic measurements by means of very-long-based sea bottom cables, Kaiyoh,
24, No. 7, 408-413 (in Japanese).

5. Osaki, H., K. Yumoto, K. Hidaka, Y. Tanaka, and M. Tanaka (1992); Geomagnetic
induced and geophysical conduction currents in non-uniform conductivity structure,
Proc._of_Conductivity_Anomaly, 189-195.

6. Yumoto, K., Y. Tanaka, T. Oguti, and K. Shiokawa, B.J. Fraser, F.W. Menk, J.W. Lynn
and M. Seto (1992); Globally coordinated magnetic observations along 210o magnetic
meridian during STEP period, Proc._of_South_Pacific_STEP_Workshop/AIP 10th
Physics_Conference, held at Melbourne on Feb. 10-12, 1992, pp. 1-4.

7. Yumoto, K. (1992); Geophysical induction currents, Kaiyoh, 24, No. 7, 430-433 (in

8. Yumoto, K., Y. Tanaka, T. Oguti, K. Shiokawa, B.J. Fraser, F.W. Menk, L.W. Lynn,
M.Seto, and 210o MM Magnetic Observation Group (1992); Globally coordinated magnetic
observations along 210o magnetic meridian during STEP period: Preliminary results,
Proc._of_Conductivity_Anomaly, 203-208.

9. Fujii, I., H. Utada, T. Yukutake, Y. Hamano, Y. Tanaka, and K. Yumoto (1993);
Conductivity distribution below a sea floor inferred from voltage measurements using a
submarine cable, Proc. of Conductivty Anomaly, 79-92.

10. Osaki, H., K. Yumoto, K. Hidaka, Y. Tanaka, M. Tanaka, and T. Kakuta (1993);
Electromagnetic observations of Sakurajima volcano in the Pc 3-Pi 2 pulsation range by
means of "one-turn coil" method, Proc._of Conductivity_Anomaly, 212-219.

11. Tanaka Y. and K. Yumoto (1993); Study on the magnetospheric processes at low latitudes
by means of magnetic meridian networks, Gakujyutsu Geppou, 46, No.9, 846-852.

12. Yumoto, K. and 210o MM Magnetic Observation Group (1993); Collaborative
magnetic observations along the 210o magnetic meridian, Proc._of_United_Nations/
Indonesian Regional_Conference_on_Space Science_and_Technology_for_Sustainable
Development, held at Bandung, Indonesia, on May 17-21, 1993, in press.

13. Yumoto, K., and H. Utada (1993); Geophysical study of western Pacific region by means
of undersea cables and magnetometer network, Proc._of_Conductivity_Anomaly, 229-245.

14. Yumoto, K., K. Shiokawa, Y. Tanaka, S. Kokubun, M. Seto, T. Sakurai, T. Takahashi,
S. Tsunomura, F.W. Menk, K.J.W. Lynn, L. Corbett, J.A. Kennewell, A.W. Green, P.
Hattori, M. Blackford, D. Yeboah-Amankwah, S.L. Manurung, E.F. Vershinin, V.F.
Osinin, G. Krymskij, S.I. Solovyev, V.A. Pilipenko, and Ray J, Morris (1993); Daily
magnetograms: (STEP) 210o MM network, STER_in_Japan, 17, 45-53.

15. Araki, T., S. Fujitani, K. Yumoto, K. Shiokawa, S. Tsunomura, Y. Yamada, T. Ichinose,
D. Orr, D.K. Milling, H. Luhr, H. Singer, G. Rostoker, and C.F. Liu (1994); Anomalous
sudden commencement on March 24, 1991,Proc._of_SCOSTEP_8th_Internal. Symp.
on_Solar Terrestrial_Physics, held at Sendai, Japan, June 5-10, p.114.

16. Hayashi, K., K. Shiokawa, N. Nishitani, M. Nishino, K. Yumoto, S. Kokubun, K.
Makita, T. Watanabe, D.J. McEwen, G. Rostoker, D. Belian, and A. Egeland (1994);
Auroral dynamics from STEP polar network observation, Proc.of_SCOSTEP_8th_Internal.
Symp._on_Solar_Terrestrial_Physics, held at Sendai, Japan, June 5-10, p.124.

17. Osaki, H., K. Yumoto, K. Shiokawa, K. Takahashi, T. Sakurai, S.I. Solovyev, G.
Krymskij, E.F. Vershinin, V.F. Osinin, and 210o MM Magnetic Observation Group
(1994); High- and low-latitude Pi 2 magnetic pulsations observed at the 210o MM chain
stations, Proc._of SCOSTEP_8th_Internal._Symp._on_Solar_Terrestrial_Physics, held at
Sendai, Japan, June 5-10, p. 116.

18. Shiokawa, K., K. Yumoto, Y. Tanaka, T. Katoh, M. Satoh, Y. Ikegami, M. Sera, Y.
Kiyama, and M. Tokumaru (1994); Unmanned optical measurements of low-latitude
auroras in Hokkaido, Japan during STEP period, Proc._of_SCOSTEP_8th_Internal.
Symp. on Solar_Terrestrial_Physics, held at Sendai, Japan, June 5-10, p.126.

19. Shiokawa, K., K. Yumoto, S. Kokubun, T. Katoh, M. Satoh, Y. Ikegami, M. Sera, K.
Hayashi, T. Oguti, D.J. McEwen, and Y. Kiyama (1994); Unmanned optical measurements
of high-latitude auroras in Canadian Arctic during STEP period, Proc._of_SCOSTEP
8th_Internal._Symp._on Solar_Terrestrial_Physics, held at Sendai, Japan, June 5-10,

20. Yumoto, K. and 210o Magnetic Meridian Observation group (1994); Collaborative GB
magnetometer observations along 210o and 250o magnetic meridians, COSPAR_Colloquia
Ser.5 on_Solar_Terrestrial_Energy_Program, edited by D.N. Baker, V.O. Patitashvili,
M.J. Teague, Pergamon Press, pp.639-642.

21. Yumoto, K., T. Endo, K. Shiokawa, Y. Tanaka, and 210o MM Magnetic Observation
Group (1994); Ionospheric current and magnetic variations caused by low-latitude aurorae,
COSPAR_Colloqa_Ser._Vol.7 on Low-latitude_Ionospheric_Physics, edited by Fu-Shong
Kuo, Pergamon Press, pp.241-250.

22. Yumoto, K. (1994); Characteristics variations observed at 210 degree magnetic meridian
chain stations, Proc._of_SCOSTEP_8th_Internal. Symp._on_Solar_Terrestrial_Physics,
held at Sendai, Japan, June 5-10, p. 70.

23. Yumoto, K., S. Solovyev, D. Baisshev, N. Molochushkin, G. Makarov, A. Sobolev, V.
Soloveyev, E. Vershinin and V. Osinin (1994); Variations of geomagnetic pulsation
parameters of Pc 1-2and IPDP and their relationships with Pi 2 and Pc 5 during magnetic
substorms, Proc._of SCOSTEP_8th_Internal._Symp._on_Solar_Terrestrial_Physics,
held at Sendai, Japan, June 5-10, p. 112.

24. Yumoto, K., G. Makarov, D. Baishev, N. Molochushkin, A. Sobolev, S. Solovyev, and
V. Solovyev (1994); Some manifestations of ssc in the auroral zone at the 210o deg
magnetic meridian chain stations, Proc._of_SCOSTEP_8th_Internal._Symp._on Solar
Terrestrial_Physics, held at Sendai, Japan, June 5-10, p. 115.

25. Zhang, Y., D.J. McEwen, K. Yumoto, K. Shiokawa, and K. Hayashi (1994); Studies of
polar auroras from near the north magnetic pole, Proc. of_SCOSTEP_8th Internal. Symp.
on_Solar_Terrestrial_Physics, held at Sendai, Japan, June 5-10, p.121.

26. Akasofu, S.-I., J.V. Olson, S.Wei, K. Yumoto, K. Shiokawa, and Y. Tanaka (1995);
Auroral and equatorial electrojets, Proc._of_the ninth_Intl._Symp._on_Equatorial
Aeronomy (ISEA),_Including_the_Middle Atmosphere, held at Bali, Indonesia, on March
20-24, pp. - .

27. Li Yan., B.J. Fraser, F.W. Menk, C.L. Waters, D.J. Webster, W. Allan and K. Yumoto
(1995); Propagation of Pi 2 pulsations wave energy to low and very low latitudes,
Atmosphere, held at Bali, Indonesia, on March 20-24, pp. - .

28. Shiokawa, K., K. Yumoto, Y. Tanaka, Y. Kiyama, Y. Kamide, and M. Tokumaru (1995);
A low-latitude aurora observed at Rikubetsu (L=1.6) during the magnetic storm of
September 13, 1993, Proc._NIPR_Symp., Upper_Atmos._Phys., 8, 17-23.

29. Yumoto, K., H. Matsuoka, K. Shiokawa, Y. Tanaka, T. Kitamura, S.I. Solovyev, N.
Molochuskin, E.F. Vershinin, V.F. Osinin, S.L. Manurung, Obay Sobari, Mamat
Ruhimat, Ray J. Morris, B.J. Fraser, F.W. Menk, J.V. Olson, S.-I. Akasofu, and 210o
MM Magnetic Observation Group (1995); Northern- and southern-hemisphere asymmetry
of sc and si magnetic variations observed along 210K magnetic meridian, Proc. of
the_ninth_Intl._Symp._on_Equatorial_Aeronomy_(ISEA),_Including_the Middle
Atmosphere, held at Bali, Indonesia, on March 20-24, pp. - .

30. Seto, M., K. Yumoto, Y. Kitamura and the 210o MM Magnetic Observation Group (1996);
Induction arrows computed for the 210o MM magnetic observation stations,
Mem._Fac._Sci., Kyushu_Univ., 29, No. 2, 145-157.

31. Watanabe, T., M. Seto, K. Yumoto, and the 210o MM Magnetic Observation Group
(1996); Theory of induction arrow based on 2D subsurface conductivity distribution model,
Mem._of_Tohoku_Inst. of_Technology, Ser. I, 17, 35-43.

32. Nozaki, K., H. Utada, and K. Yumoto (1997); Geomagnetically induced voltage obser-
vation system of the Transpac-2 cable, Proc. of Intl. Workshop on Scentific Use of
Submarine Cables, held at Okinawa on Feb. 25-28, 1997, pp.49-51.

33. Seto, M., Y. Kitamura, K. Yumoto and the 210KMM Geomagnetic Observation Group
(1997); Geomagnetic variations associated with Guam great earthquake, Proc. of
Conductivity Anomaly, 94-97.

34. Colqui, R., K. Yumoto, H. Tachihara, T.-I. Kitamura, N.B. Trivedi, and Jose Marques da
Costa (1998); Two-dimensional equatorial electrojet current system deduced from the
Brazilian network, 1. Based on the H component, Mem._Fac._Sci., Kyushu_Univ., 30,

35. Pilipenko, V.A., K. Yumoto, E.N. Fedorov, N. Kurneva, and F.W. Menk (1998); Field
line Alfven oscillations at low latitudes, Mem._Fac._Sci., Kyushu_Univ., 30, 23-43.

36. Yumoto, K., E.F. Vershinin, A.V. Buzevich, K. Saita and Y. Tanaka (1998); Relationships
among seismc activity, atmospheric electric field, electromagnetic emissions and local
magnetic activity in Kamchatka, Mem._Fac._Sci., Kyushu_Univ., 30, 15-22.

37. Kitamura, K., K. Yumoto, K.J.W. Lynn, E.F. Vershinin, B.J. Fraser and the 210 MM
Magnetic Observation Group (1998); Nothern/southern hemisphere asymmetry of sc/si in the
nighttime sector, Proc. NIPR Symp., Upper Atmos. Phys., in press.

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