Huixin Liu


Name:Huixin Liu
Affiliation:Department of Earth and Planetary Science

Kyushu University


Address:Higashiku, Hakozaki 6-10-1

Fukuoka 812-8581,


E-mail:huixin at serc dot kyushu-u dot ac dot jp
Like: German beer & French red wine
Portrait of Huixin Liu 200x280

Research Experiences:

1998.10-2001.5 Max-Planck-Institute for Aeronomy, Germany PhD, Superviser: Prof. K. Schlegel and Prof. S.-Y. Ma
2001.7-2002.7 National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA Postdoc, Superviser: Prof. A. D. Richmond
2002.8-2005.3 GeoForschungZenturm Potsdam, Germany Research Scientist
2005.4-2009.3Hokkaido University, Japan Research Scientist
2009.4-2011.4 Kyoto University, Japan Research Scientist
2011.5- Kyushu University, Japan Associate Professor

Research Services:

1. Frequent reviewer for J. Geophys. Res. - Space Physics; Geophys. Res. Lett.; and J. Atmos. Solar-Terres. Physics.
2. Reviewer of NSF proposals.
3. Co-convener of IAGA international conference session about magnetic forcing on the thermosphere.


1998.10 DAAD fellow, Germany
2001.7 NCAR postdoc fellow, USA
2004.5 Alexander von Humboldt fellow, Germany
2005.10 JSPS fellow, Japan
2009.4 JSPS RPD fellow, Japan
2010.11 Obayashi Medal, SGEPSS, Japan

Research Topics

Publications and Conference Contributions


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Last modified 2009 Oct. 22